1. Rice Burners -- The young kids who buy Hondas and trick them
out like in the movie "The Fast and the Furious". That movie came out in
2001, four years ago, and it really wasn't that cool at that time anyways. They
look gay and the mufflers on the cars just make it sound like a hyped-up
RC car. The four-door ones are the worst. A 4-DOOR CAR IS NOT A SPORTS CAR!!! I
get especially excited when I'm behind one of these, and they go over a bump and
scrap up their underside because their car is too low. Funny stuff. 2.
NASCAR -- An inbreeds favorite sport. Racing cars isn't a sport,
especially racing around in a big circle 500+ times in a row. Not to mention the
corporate take-over of the "sport", and the overwhelming sponsorships. Each car
is a commercial on wheels. Corporations are taking over the world and they must
be stopped, but somehow this is under the radar of NASCAR fans, and they are the
ones who bitch the most about loosing their jobs overseas because of huge
3. Ashlee Simpson -- What a hack. Ever since that time she was
on Saturday Night Live and got CAUGHT lip-syncing. She first blamed her band on
it, then later said it was acid-reflux. What a stupid bitch. I'm not a fan of
lip-syncing, but I can see it's place in concert. Especially if you are an
artist who dances around throughout the entire concert. It would be almost
impossible to do all the dance moves AND keep singing in tune the whole time,
especially after 3 hours. But for Ashlee Simpson, she had ONE song to sing on
SNL, and she lip-synched it, AND got caught! There are true artists out there
that actually CAN dance and sing without lip-syncing through an entire concert,
but I have no respect for ones that lip-sync for just one song. She also got
booed at the Orange Bowl game earlier this year. Maybe 2005 will be the end of
Ashlee Simpson's "so-called" singing career.
4. Apple Computers -- Why won't they just go away? I just don't
agree with their whole "business philosophy"...what it is exactly is when Apple
decides to come out with a new OS, any Apple users that want to upgrade must
first buy a completely new computer to support it, and any software they
currently have installed, they have to repurchase so it can be used for the new
OS. How gay is that? I really hate those Apple computer nuts who say PC users
are the idiots because we use Windows and Microsoft is evil. So they want us to
switch to Apple where ONE company owns the hardware AND the software! Doesn't
make any sense now does it? Backward-compatibility is such a beautiful thing.
5. Jaywalkers -- Anyone who crosses a street where they aren't
supposed to. This especially comes into play when they walk VERY slowly to cross
the street and cause the cars to slow down for them because they feel
pedestrians ALWAYS have the right away under any circumstance. Pfft! I love
slamming on the breaks at the last minute and making them shit themselves.
6. McDonalds commercials -- "I'm lovin' it"...it's gotta go. EVERY
McDonalds commercial has some sell-out singing the "I'm lovin' it" song, and
each one is a bit different, but they all are annoying in the same amount.
McDonalds is one of the biggest contributors to the "fattening-up" of America.
Where the cheeseburgers have less fat content than their salads. But they sell
apples now! Whatever.
7. Boonies -- What's a boonie? If you don't know you probably are one!
hehehe I especially hate boonies who are in my classes. How'd you make it this
far with what little knowledge you have? And when they continue to ask you
questions about stuff they teach us on Day One. Boonies shouldn't be allowed in
our field of expertise, but no need to worry, I highly doubt they will end up
taking a job from us pros.
8. Bad endings to video games -- The normal price of computer
games is currently $50. About EVERY game that comes out starts at $50, and
eventually drops to $20 or lower over the course of a year or so. With that much
money spent for the game, and not to mention the amount of time, sweat and tears
you play the game, and try very hard to finish it only to find out the ending
sucks balls?!? The ending of a game is like the cigarette after sex, it makes
the whole experience just as good. But when the ending is very short or when
it's just down right horrible, it just pisses us off and makes us hate the
entire game and the time we wasted playing that game. It later leads to us not
trusting the game's company and not purchasing any sequels or other games from
the company in the future. So video game companies, want more money?, then make
great endings on all your games, it will help you out in the long run.
9. Cisco -- I think I'm beating a dead horse with this one, but Cisco
is horrible! Reading their books is like reading schematics for a fighter jet or
something, just simply impossible to read. Not to mention the amount of typos in
the book, and they are were it really counts too, so you don't know if they are
saying one thing or another. The typos also cross over on the tests as well, so
when you get that horrible score, it's usually from the typos. Oh, and you have
to login to Cisco's website to take all your tests, but they login is unsecure,
and anyone can get your login and password, we've done it in class! Cisco won't
fix that of course, see my Cisco conversation about it
10. RIAA -- Recording Industry Association of America. These are the
crooks that are suing people left and right from sharing mp3's. They fail to
realize that since they shut down Napster (before it went to a paid service),
they have not succeeded in stopping people from sharing music files. If they
would of decided to do it right from the beginning, like regulating pay services
and getting a percentage from it, they would of made a lot of money by doing so.
But this "witch-hunt" style of crackdown isn't scaring anyone. There are many
ways to still share files without the RIAA from ever finding out. Metallica was
one of the first groups to want to ban p2p sharing, but just recently they came
out and said that they don't care if people download mp3's anymore. What?!? They
raised such a stink about it at first, but now they don't care? But Metallica
realizes something that the RIAA doesn't, file sharing can never be stopped no
matter how hard they try.
11. Iowa Hawkeyes -- Pierre Pierce is a criminal, go 'clones, nuff
said. See attached pic.
12. People who still say, "I'm not worthy!" -- This is a line from the
movie Wayne's World. This movie came out in 1992, 13 years ago, but
people still say that line like it's going out of style. Well guess what, it did
go out of style about a year after the movie was released! What really makes me
sick is when celebrities say it like it's funny. Like when Tom Cruise said it on
the Oprah show, barf. As if his bullshit grin wasn't enough for us to hate about
13. Overuse of the word "fresh" -- Watch TV commercials for fast food
places, and you will see that almost ALL of them make it a point to use the word
"fresh" when they describe their food. Fresh should be used to describe
the status of fruits and vegetables, like this apple is fresh. It should NOT be
used to describe fast food, like fresh fries, or fresh lettuce on this
2000-calorie burger. I think when people hear the word fresh, they
automatically think the food must be good for them. It's brainwashing I tell ya!
14. People who still have John Kerry bumper stickers on their cars --
God, how long has it been since the election? He LOST! Scrap that damn thing off
your piece of shit car already! Maybe no one can scrap them off. The Democratic
party used super glue as adhesive for their bumper stickers? It's only been
days since the election!!! Check
this out.
15. Dennis
Miller -- God I really hate this guy. He is NOT funny! Why do people laugh
at his jokes? And I swear to god, he has to got to be the guest on about EVERY
show I watch! Whenever he comes on, I just turn it. I don't get him. He's not
even remotely funny. I was watching South Park tonight, and afterwards he was on
The Daily Show. I think The Daily Show isn't very funny at all, Jon Stewart is a
cool cat, but his humor is just weird. Then came out Dennis Miller...grrrr!!! On
Leno, Miller is a guest like once a month, I swear to God! And when he's on,
he's the ONLY guest on, so he shoots garbage out of his mouth for the entire
show. Please, join me in this fight together, to end Dennis Miller.
16. People that
sit too far away from the car in front of them at a stop light -- You know
when there's a stop light, you pull up to the car in front of you with some
reasonable distance between your car and that car, which is usually 4-6 feet.
But then you look over next to you and it looks like there's no car next to you
but then you see it behind the car about 10-20 feet back just sitting there with
all that extra room between them? That pisses me off. You could fit another car
in between there, but they think they are all high and mighty and their Lexus
SUV that's never went offroading or heaven forbid, drove through a fucking
puddle in their life, so they sit back there like they are the shit. Then when
the light turns green, you have to wait an extra 5 seconds for them to move and
they have all that extra distance to pull up to get through the light and what
happens when you get up there? Red light, every time. It just makes the line at
the stop light longer and makes less traffic able to move through that
intersection because some asshole needs that 20 feet of "bumper space". Grrr...
17. People who
own SUV's who never use them to their full potential -- I'm sorry, I used to
own a Jeep Wrangler, it was my favorite vehicle I ever owned and I cannot
WAIT to get another one. It's an SUV and an offroading vehicle. For me NOT to
take it offroading would be just a waste, so I did quite often and had a ton of
fun doing it. What pisses me off is all these goddamn soccer mom/yuppie bitches
that drive a brand new, 5 mpg $40k+ SUV and it's "big job" is going to the
grocery store. I hate it when you're following an SUV and they slow WAY down for
speed bumps, WTF?!? It's like a 60-year old man who owns a brand new convertible
Corvette, drives it one week a year and sits in the garage the rest of the time,
and he never had it over 35mph. What a fucking waste. Like buying a swimming
pool, but never go swimming. Buying a DVD, but never watch it. What's the point?
Administration -- DMACC is a great school, great teachers and you get a
great education. But the Administration at DMACC don't know their ass from a
hole in the wall. From the time you decide to go to DMACC till the time you sit
in class, it is an absolute NIGHTMARE. These people have no business doing what
they do because they all suck at it so bad! One time they told me I had to drive
up there, get a form, hunt down the director of my program, have him sign it and
turn it in to them. I did all that, then a week later they were asking me to do
it again. Come to find out, they LOST it! They lost my paper, but then at this
time, they tell me they didn't really need it anyways. WTF?!? Because of a DMACC
scheduling error, I had to wait another whole year to take my last
required class, then I can finally graduate. I got a letter the other day from
DMACC saying I'm now 28 credits SHORT of graduating! WTF?!? I'm sure it's some
kind of error, but they just let their computers print whatever they want and no
one seems to look them over before they are mailed out, I swear to God. Anyways,
DMACC Administration sucks, I'd compare them to trained monkeys, but then the
monkeys would be insulted.
19. Cell phone
reception -- When did cell phone usage really take off? I'm guessing around
1995 or so is when everyone started to get cell phones. Now a days you can't
live without one. Remember back in the day when having a cell phone meant that
you were king shit? Anyways...what I'm really ranting about here is cell phone
reception. It's been over TEN YEARS since cell phone usage really took
off, and is cell phone reception any better? How many times during a day does
your call not go through? How many times in a day do you drop a call? How many
times in a day do you have to walk around to find the 'sweet spot'? It's been
ten years and the technology really hasn't progressed by that much. Maybe one
day all calls will be crystal clear, dropped calls were a thing of the past, and
"can you hear me know?" will be long forgotten...one day...
20. Cheaters in
video games -- These lamers piss me off. Sure a video game is just a game, I
know, but for any game to be fun there has to be rules and things have to be
fair. When you're trying hard to end up the winner and some 13 year old fuck
comes along and makes IMPOSSIBLE shots without even trying and quickly takes the
lead, you know immediately they're cheating. Sure they come up with anti-cheat
measures, but they find ways around them. Just like virus-writers outwitting
anti-virus software, it's a continuing battle. But why do these damn kids cheat?
So they can brag to their friends their high score? It doesn't count, you
cheated! If you want to get good at a game, it takes a lot of practice. That's
how all of us got this good. You cheat and you can't get good without the cheat.
Fucking weak. It reminds me of this
It may be fake, but I'd LOVE to do this!
More to come when something else pisses me off... |